Sewer Rates and Rules
Monthly Sewer Rates: Rate per Unit
Residential and Non-Residential Rates:
First 2,000 Gallons = $30.03 Minimum Bill
Next 18,000 Gallons = $0.01048 per 1 Gallon
All over 20,000 Gallons = $0.00931 per 1 Gallon
Sewer Connection Fee:
Tap fee price (excluding footage) = $5,346.61
Federal Correctional Facility:
First 1,300,000 Gallons = $12,044.27 Minimum Bill
Over 1,300,000 Gallons = $0.01048 per 1 Gallon
Monthly rates for special service through a multi-unit master meter agreement:
The monthly charge for customers who have requested service through a master meter for multi-unit service shall be the larger of:
The number of housing units times the minimum water charge per unit, based on the district’s standard service meter minimum charge, or;
The amount based on the average gallons used per housing unit at the current rate schedule times the number of housing units, in the multiple-unit facility.
Basic Rules and Regulations
The following are some of the most used rules and regulations on file with the Public Service Commission for McCreary County Water District’s Sewage Service. All rules and regulations are available to view at the main office which is located at 456 N HWY 27, Whitley City, KY 42653 or by clicking view full sewer tariff.
1. Additions Rules and Regulations
These Rules and Regulations are in addition to the rules of the Kentucky Public Service Commission.
2. Application for Service
Each prospective customer desiring sewer service may be required to sign the District's standard Application for Sewer Service before service is supplied by the District.
3. Discontinuance of Service by District
District may refuse to connect or may discontinue service for the violation of any of its Rules and Regulations, or for violation of any of the provisions of the Schedule of Rates and Charges, or of the application of customer or contract with customer. District may discontinue service to customer for the theft of water or the appearance of water theft devices on premises of customer. The discontinuance of service by District for any causes as stated in this rule does not release customer from his/her obligation to District for the payment of minimum bills as application of customer or contract with customer. In accordance with 807KAR 5:006 Section 14.
4. Point of Delivery
The point of delivery is the point, as designed by the District, on customer's premises where the District's sewer pump station or man hole is connected to the customer's service line. All sewer lines beyond this point of delivery shall be provided and maintained by the customer even if installed by others at no expense to the District.
5. Termination of Contract by Customer
Customers who have fulfilled their contract terms and wish to discontinue service must give at least three (3) days' written notice to that effect, unless contract specified otherwise. Notice to discontinue service prior to expiration of contract term will not relieve customer from any minimum or guaranteed payment under any contract or rate.
6. Applicant's Service Line
It is understood that the applicant will at his/her own expense pay for the actual physical connection from his/her line to the District's pump station. The applicant's service line to be installed by homeowner or by a licensed plumber and the work must be inspected by the authorized plumbing inspector and an authorized representative of the District before the line is backfilled. The customer and/or installer making a connection to the sewer shall hold the District harmless from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by connecting to the District’s sewer.
7. Right of Access
The applicant must agree to permit the District to lay, maintain, repair, or remove such sewer line which is the property of the District located on the applicant's property. The District's duly authorized representative and/or other duly authorized employee of the State Health Department bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, testing, in accordance with the provisions of these Rules and Regulations.
8. Sewage Metering
All of the applicant's water usage discharged into the District's sewer must be metered through a water or sewage meter of the District. No free sewer service shall be allowed or permitted.
9. Connection to Sanitary Sewer
No connection to the sanitary sewer mains shall be made except by an employee or representative of the District.
10. Grease and Oil Traps
Service station, restaurants, and others who discharge grease and oil shall be required to install approved grease and oil traps or other acceptable methods of removal before the sewage enters the sanitary sewer system.
11. Interruption of Service
The District will use reasonable diligence in supplying sewer service, but shall not be liable for breach of contract in the event of, or for loss, injury, or damage to persons or property resulting from interruptions in service, sewage stop-ups, or otherwise unsatisfactory service, whether or not caused by negligence.
12. Additional Load
The service connection supplied by the District for each customer has a definite capacity, and no addition to the equipment or load connected thereto will be allowed except by consent of the District. Failure to give notice of additions or changes in load, and to obtain the District's consent for same, shall render the customer liable for any damage to any of the District's lines or equipment caused by the additional or changed installation.
13. Notice of Trouble
Customer shall notify the District immediately should the service be unsatisfactory for any reason, or should there be defects, trouble or accidents affecting the sewage. Such notices, if verbal, should be confirmed in writing.
14. Nonstandard Service
Customer shall pay the cost of any special installation necessary to meet his/her peculiar requirements for service other than standard sewer tap.
15. Scope
This Schedule of Rules and Regulations is a part of all contracts for receiving sewer service from the District, and applies to all service received from the District, whether the service is based upon contract, agreement, signed application or otherwise. A copy of this schedule, together with a copy of the District's Schedule of Rates and Charges, shall be kept open to inspection at the office of the District.
16. Pump Station or Manhole Cover Removal
No person shall cause to be discharged or remove any pump station or manhole cover to permit any storm water, ground water, roof run off, sub-surface drainage, cooling water, or unpolluted industrial process waters into the sanitary sewer.
17. Applicant's Liability
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the sewer, any harmful waters or wastes, whether liquid, solid, or gas, of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers, damage or hazard to structures, equipment and personnel of the sewage works, or other interferences with the proper operation of the sewage works. Applicant who discharges or causes to be discharged, any harmful waters or waste into the sewer shall be held liable for ensuing damages.
18. Commercial or Industrial Sewage
Prior to the admission into the sanitary Sewers of any waters or waste having harmful or objectionable characteristics shall be reviewed and approved by the District. The customer shall provide at his/her expense such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to treat these wastes prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer. Plans, specifications, and any other pertinent information relating to the proposed preliminary treatment facilities shall be submitted for the approval of the District and the State Board of Health and no construction of such facilities shall be commenced until said approval is obtained in writing. Where preliminary treatment facilities are provided for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the customer at his/her expense.
30. Applicant's Electrical Connection
It is understood that the applicant will at his own expense pay for the actual physical connection from his/her electric meter to the pump station. This includes disconnect box, wire and conduit. The applicant's electrical connection is to be installed only by an electrician and the work must be inspected by the authorized electrical inspector. The customer and/or installer making a connection to the sewer shall hold the District harmless from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be associated by connecting to the District’s sewer